Our Story


Here’s where our story gets interesting…

COVID hit in 2019 (you remember) and we found ourselves running our coffee house, Mazama Coffee Co, and having our long-time tenant next door decide she was tapping out. So we had 3,000 square feet sitting empty during a pandemic - we were already hemorrhaging money at the coffee house due to serious reductions in customers (+ revenue), forced shutdowns, and no indoor dining.

I was panicking!

We had bills to pay and couldn’t let this space sit open. We had to get moving - we took a large chunk of our nest egg, and remodeled the space. We looked up and down Mercer Street and asked,

what kind of store would this town welcome?

We wanted to introduce a fresh perspective, something new and inviting. The store is curated with simplicity in mind because we all needed some peace given how crazy the world was at the time (some things never change). Lots of people were stuck at home, so we brought in beautiful houseplants, we brought in games and art supplies, books and things to keep kids occupied. We launched on Small Business Saturday 2020 with not nearly enough inventory and many bare shelves, but we opened. And the town came out to greet us.

And three years later here we are.

Thanks for coming along on this crazy journey.

Note: We sold Mazama Coffee Co at the tail end of 2022, after we had successful seen it through COVID.

Meet the Founders


Outside of playing tourist in her own town and discovering all the little hidden gems, Vicky loves to travel + play with power tools. You can find her holed up in any local coffee joint making plans for travel or a new building project.


Exploring a new area? Jumping off a cliff into crystal clear water? Zip lining through the jungle? Sign him up! He sees most things as “once in a lifetime” and refuses to miss any opportunity to try something new.



While she loves to explore new countries, she also loves a touch of luxury on the way. Candles, lotions, and bug spray - oh my! She has an eye for beautiful places with the perfect photo op.